Effortlessly Manage User and Agent Data

Streamlined and Robust User Management

Easily manage user data with Chat Board's comprehensive user management system. Enhance the user experience for both customers and agents.

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User management

Registration and login

Registration and Login

Enable visitors to register and log in directly from the chat. Customize the registration form with specific fields and require registration prior to starting a chat.

  • Comprehensive registration and login
  • Mandatory registration before chatting
  • Customizable fields

User and Agent Management

Consolidate critical customer information. Effortlessly create, edit, and manage user and agent profiles. Adjust agent privileges and view or modify user details directly from your conversations.

  • Create and manage user and agent profiles
  • Edit or delete profiles
  • Bulk user deletion
  • Manage agent privileges
User management

User table

Advanced Search and Filters

Quickly locate users by name, email, or any custom field. Sort and filter results effortlessly from the user table. Identify and engage with online users instantly.

  • View online users
  • Sort by name, email, etc.
  • Advanced search capabilities
  • Comprehensive filtering options

Understand Your Customers

Enhance customer support with detailed user information. Automatically gather data such as user location, operating system, and more, to provide contextually relevant support.

  • Operating system and browser details
  • User location with map
  • IP address, local currency, and more
  • Local time and current page
User details

Language detection

Language Detection Dialogflow App Required

Automatically detect the user's language through message analysis. This feature, powered by Google Cloud, works seamlessly with real-time message translations.

  • Analyze messages to detect language
  • Powered by Google Cloud